Jade Marie is One


Freshly One! This was taken moments after she woke up wide eyed and bushy-tailed.


A few days before her first birthday I really wanted to get a new picture of her to hang on the wall in our living room. So I attempted to do that with this picture and the next few. There was always something, It needed to be landscape. It needed to not be blurry since I was blowing it up to a 12×17. And she needed to not be screaming at me ha ha ha. She does NOT like to sit still for the camera.

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I ended up using this picture. It is so sweet and I loved the creamy tones. This was taken in her teepee that I made her for her birthday which I failed to take a picture of. ( I get so overwhelmed at parties trying to remember to do everything so somethings are left behind)

My kids are so funny and COMPLETE opposites. Wyatt wanted nothing to do with his birthday cake, this girl on the other hand LOVED it as you can see.

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Jade’s decorations were so much fun to make and I did them over a period of time so I wasn’t completely crazy and exhausted the day of. I made little party hats for her stuffed animals that graced her party table. They were so easy. Just craft paper hot glue pom pom’s and glitter 🙂 Those went surprisingly fast. I also used the same craft paper and glitter to make a happy birthday banner. I also made party hats for the guests that I forgot to hand out until the cake! Those were easy as well! I used fake flowers from the dollar store and party hats from Walmart. I punched a hole through, applied hot glue and voila! Party hat. Dunzo and they look fancy-shmancy, The Number 1 I hung up above her highchair was another easy decoration. All I did was cut out the number one from cardboard and apply a few bouquets of fake flowers until it was all covered. I’m a little weird about cardboard. If I get a package and the card board is premium. I hide it from Jeff so I can use it for projects like this. the cardboard I made the “Jade Marie” sign out of was a piece I had hidden behind our couch for… a year and 2 months… ha ha ha…  I just painted them solid then drew little flowers on while watching weird documentaries so I wasn’t too distracted! ha ha ha

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We had so much fun celebrating Jades birthday and I’m pretty sure she did too. She got lots off cuddles from friends and family, got to play with all her sweet friends. Eat lots of crepes and pancakes. Open lots of fun presents. And Party like it was 2014.

We love you so much Jade Marie

Wyatt’s Birthday

The last nine months went as follows:


Wyatt turned One! We had a “Where the Wild Things Are” Birthday Party. There were Monsters, a Max costume, a ship and all. In honor of Halloween being 5 days later, of course. Wyatt had fun, however, he did not like his cake… at all. I guess frosting is too sticky or something. (update: Wyatt loves all sugar now “I wan canny, canny, canny. I wan canny.”)birthdaywyat1



Summer is coming to an end

We have had quite the summer break! It’s nice being in college because we get a super long summer vacation and we have been able to visit lots of family an lots of places! It’s weird though because we left home July 25 and we didn’t get back home until Aug 22. So we were gone for pretty much a whole month. So much changed since. I mean wyat was crawling when we left but he is a total speedster now. If I take my eye off of him for more than one second he’s at the stairs and I’m praying as I run over there that I remembered to put the gate up. Even though he’s way good at the stairs. He still is only 10 months old. He needs supervision. It’s so weird to think that on June 15, he was just barely learning to scoot around and the day before that he had just learned how to pull himself up. Now 2 1/2 moths later. He crawls fast as lighting walks around (with support from our furniture, hands, and his walker toy). He’s babbling like crazy. Dada was first… Then Baba… now I’m Mama but really I don’t think he knows what he’s saying exactly.

Our summer vacation started off in Missouri for Jeff’s, Grandma Wilkins, 80th Birthday Bash. It was so much fun to spend time with Jeff’s billion Missourian family members who are all so nice! We were able to stay with his cousin Brad and his Wife Irina and two Super cute Daughters Brylee and Renee. The girls loved Wyatt and he loved them maybe a little too much. Renee kept trying to get away from him. I guess he can be a little overwhelming at first but in the end they were buds crawling around getting into trouble together. 

The Birthday Party was so much fun. It was so wonderful to see so many people there that Loved Grandma Wilkins so  much. We were able to learn all about her life and her love for her husband and her children. There was a fun slideshow to watch and delicious fried chicken to eat. Afterwards we all went to the YMCA and played in the pools! There was an awesome water slide, rock climbing wall and lazy river.  It was a great way to end our trip there. Such a great family 🙂

After the trip Jeff and I went our separate ways for a bit. I went back to California with his mom and Jeff went to Montana with his dad to go on a fly fishing trip. Jeff had a blast fishing from sun up to sun down and I had a blast hanging out with my family and his family in California.

For the rest of our time in California. I was able to go with Wyatt and my family to San Francisco. and Jeff and I were able to go to Monterey, Carmel and Santa Cruz. It was so much fun to see Wyatt see the ocean for the first time. He was intrigued to say the least! It was so fun to go down there with Jeff and Wyatt and escape from the heat for a few days. I really wanted to go to the beach while I was home and we had plans to go with some friends but it didn’t work out. Wyatt had an allergic reaction to some Dogs (We found out after buying a dog back in June that he was allergic… Hives, Cough, runny nose) anyways then he got a cold on top of that. He was a bit miserable and I didn’t want the other sweet babies to catch his cold. ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

It was so fun for Wyatt to hang out with his sweet cousins. He  had SO much fun! He played ALL day. he was the littlest so he got picked on but I’m sure the tables will turn since he’s the boy and they are all girls. There’s bound to be some teasing.

We also had to say Goodbye to my family that moved away to Boise which is so sad but at least for a while they’ll be closer to us while we live in Rexburg. They were able to visit us pretty soon after we came home and we went to Yellow stone! It was a blast! Then we went and visited them for the Labor Day weekend it was so much fun to stay with them and see their new home. We loved Boise it was so much fun there was always something going on there!  

Anyway, now we are home and having to get back into our everyday routine. Which isn’t as much fun a vacation but it feels great. We are so happy with our life right now. Living in Rexburg. Being parents. Growing up. Trying to savor every moment. 

Wyatt’s Growing up :) :(

We’ve had a fun an busy last two months.

I graduated! WHOOT!

We spent a week at home in California during Easter

Jeff went back to school ( I didn’t!!)

Wyatt and I started spending every minute of everyday together and he is now officially a Momma’s Boy!

Wyatt learned to sit up

The little guy and I went back to California for a week for Uncle Dallin’s Graduation and Grandma Laurie’s Birthday

Wyatt started scooting and pulling himself up.  All this new found independence led to better playtime meaning more time for me to get stuff done! And everyone’s Happy 🙂

I love my new life. College was so much fun and I absolutely loved every second of it. But being with my Wyatt is the best treat I could ever have! He makes me so incredibly happy and I love seeing him learn and laugh. He has made Jeff and I the happiest proudest parents in all the land!


3 Months and Baby it’s cold outside!

Okay I didn’t know it was possible but this little guy gets cuter by the second! He is so so sweet and his personality is starting to shine through more each day! Also check out the super awesome new coat I got him! Only thing more awesome than how much it cost (12.99) is how cute he looks in it!

Some of my new favorite things about Wyatt:

1. He’s a total chunk!

2. He’s starting to laugh

3. He always stares at Jeff

4. Staring at the lights is his second favorite thing to do.

5. His first favorite thing to do is right below 🙂



2 Months

Yesterday Wyatt turned 2 months old! He has gotten so big! I cannot believe it! I got him that little bunny for christmas and so far I think he likes it! It’s pretty stinkin soft after all! I set aside like 20 of these pictures to put up on here but again, I toned it down and picked a few  of my favorites!

We are moving back to Rexburg next week! This little guy has no idea what he’s in for! But it’s okay cause he’s little baby Wyatt Earp, Toughest baby around!